George Doujaiji

Technically driven.

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More Than Just Code

I'm a Computer Science student with a focus in Artificial Intelligence at Oregon State University. Originally I'm from Lebanon, I grew up in Saudi Arabia, and I currently live in the US. As someone with a deep love for computers, I constantly explore beyond writing code and like to delve into every aspect of the field of technology. This includes, but is not limited to: developing proficiency with the shell/command line; daily driving Linux and familiarizing myself with Unix environments; as well as setting up Linux servers for remote development and training neural networks. I'm always eager to pick up new skills when it comes to areas I don't know, thanks to my burning curiosity, inquisitive nature, and understanding that there is always more to learn. During a software engineering class, a partner and I led a semester long project managed by SCRUM. We used task management systems like Jira and practiced clear, consistent communication. In addition, I can speak, read, and write in both English and Arabic, and am currently learning French. The combination of both my technical and interpersonal skills allows me to be a valuable asset to any team.



Pathfinding-Visualizer is an interactive GUI where users can draw a traversable map by placing barriers, a start node, and a target node, then visualize one of the following well known pathfinding algorithms: breadth first search, depth first search, Dijkstra's, or A*.


Shape Classifier Neural Network

This is my first Neural Network I've ever built! It can classify drawings of basic shapes (e.g. triangles and squares) using a Convolutional Neural Network. It achieved a noteworthy accuracy of 98.6% on the test set!

lives on a Raspberry Pi

Spotify QuickSaver

Spotify QuickSaver runs on a Raspberry Pi and uses the Spotify API to enhance the listening experience. With a simple button press, users can save the currently playing song without needing to open Spotify, reducing interruptions and helping them stay focused on their work.


Movie Recommender System

A simple Movie recommender system that uses content based filtering and Word2Vec models to recommend similar movies based on title, genre, and user applied tags.



SpotifyTrees is a Python tool leveraging the Spotify API that organizes my Spotify playlists hierarchically based on sub-genres. It automatically distributes songs in sub-genre playlists up through its parent playlists on a daily Cron job. I have it managing over 3,000 songs across a tree of about 80 playlists!

Contact me here!


+1 (863) 303-9369